Welcome to Day 19 of the revamped Art Infliction.

Today is a very light day for site news, so let's begin.

First up, Fired Up Friday has updated and last week's entry on that page has been moved to Inflindication.

Batting A Thousand has updated, as the movie "Ted" has been enshrined into that page's rankings.

And those pages aren't the only pages that have updated, as grammatical and punctuation corrections have been applied to this page and our homepage.

Plus, we've also cleaned up the Nogchives page.

Steve Kaycee has put four more items up for auction on eBay. However, they have yet to be added to the active listings section on his eBay storefront.

And speaking of Steve Kaycee, he has posted his special thanks video to the rest of us here at Art Infliction, the people that have taken the time to interview him, and the fans. What a thoughtful man!

Well, that's all for now.

Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.


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